
About us

The Assiotis Andreas & Partners LLC

is a law firm based in Limassol which deals with the registration of Cypriot and foreign companies, the immigration service, issues of real property, commercial law, family law, banking law and criminal law.

Since 2006 we worked as an independent law firm and since 2009 the company Assiotis Andreas & Partners LLC created and we since been working under the name of the above company.

The company provides legal advice, guidance on tax issues and maintains expertise and experience to facilitate business implementation plans in accordance with normal commercial needs.

Our team consists of both Russian-speaking, highly qualified lawyers with experience in all areas of law not only in Cyprus but also abroad (Russia) where we have partners.

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Our mission

As a law firm we are committed

to be credible and seek to find ways of continuing to inform you about our services and provide legal and legal services at a high level of professionalism, immediacy and responsibility. Our website is one of your communication channels.

Our principles

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Praesent vestibulum aenean nonummy he n drerit mauris. Cum sociis nato que penatibu s et magnis dis parturient montes

nonummy hendre rit mauris. Cum soc iis natoque penatibus

Cum sociis nato que penatibu s et magnis dis parturient montes ascetur ridiculus mus. Null a dui. Fusce feugiat males

que penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes ascetur

Fusce feugiat malesuada odio. Morbi nunc odio gravida at cursus ne luctus a lorem. Ma ecenas tristique orci ac sem.
